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Did you know that sterility is a partner problem?

To solve a problem you must first identify it.

It is therefore important to know that there are several factors that affect both, women and men, from who it can be explained sterility; in the case of an heterosexual couple It is important to take into account, for example, that the quantity and quality of the ovules of women falls after or 35 years old, but  must also be clear that the concentration and mobility of sperm is reduced with age.

The sterility in a couple may have its origin in women, in men or both.

The absence of ovulation or the irregularity of it, endometriosis, blocked tubes or problems in the uterus may be behind the female sterility. The scarce amount of sperm or its absence, as well as, its little mobility or abnormal appearance, early or retrograde ejaculation or impotence may be, in the other hand, reason of sterility in  men.

If you don’t get pregnant after at least 12 months trying, look for professional help to determine the origin of sterility and, propose a treatment to overcome it.

Did you know that use of contraceptive doesn't affect fertility?

It is one of the myths that exist about fertility. Scientific research has found no link between the use of oral contraceptives (such as the pill, patch or ring), or another type such as, the IVD (Intrauterine device) and impaired fertility. Consult with your doctor who will guide you and clarify any doubts you may have.

Did you know that the tobacco harms the fertility in men and women?

Tobacco affects negatively to fertility, both, for men and women.

Experts are clear that couples who smoke are less likely to conceive and if pregnancy is achieved there are also more chances of abortions or complications. Tobacco increases the number of sterile couples and reduce possibilities of gestation after assisted reproduction treatments.

In  case of men, tobacco contributes to reduce the number of sperm, the mobility of these and their greater affectation due to genetic alterations. And in women tobacco affects ovarian function and can alter reproductive capacity, as well as, clearly raise the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as, extra – uterine pregnancies or abortions.

Did you know that you can be mother again  after a tubal ligation?

A new personal situation or a simply change of opinion can lead a woman to think again about  motherhood , despite having taken a decision on contracept in principle definitive in the past, such as, tubal ligation. A step that usually occurs after having one or several children. But, it is possible to conceive again in these circumstances? It is possible.

Tubal ligation can reverse sometimes with other surgical intervention called channeling, which involves connecting the inside of the tubes to get them able to perform their original function again.

A technique that will be carried out after a medical analysis of each specific case, since isn’t always a viable option either because of the way in which they tied the tubes in their day or because with the passage of time a gynecological problem has emerged that remains reals possibilities of achieving a successful pregnancy again. But there are other options besides the surgery to have children after a tubal ligation.

In fact, if studies make it viable, it can be recommended to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Did you know that stress affects your possibilities of pregnancy?

Although it is difficult to limit this reality, more and more experts and studies consider that stress interferes with the fertility of many women, harming their chances of achieving a pregnancy, and men, by reducing the production of sperm.

In case of women, stress and anxiety when looking for a pregnancy can change the rhythm of ovulation. There is, in any case, unanimity in the medical community around this reality and, in fact, there is no missing person who completely disassociates stress from infertility.

The difficulties to achieve a pregnancy usually cause nervousness and anxiety. The experts, in fact, emphasize the convenience of feeling emotionally strong before undergoing an assisted reproductin treatment.

Did you know that having an abortion does not reduce the chances of getting another pregnancy?

Suffering an abortion is a bitter and emotionally difficult experience that doesn’t have to imply future physical limitations.

Only in those cases in which medical complications occur due to abortion or that the woman already suffered a problem could complicate a future pregnancy. If not, experts underline that an abortion doesn’t reduce the chances of becoming pregnant again.

In fact, most women who have gone through this situation will get pregnant again and will give birth without problems.

It is normal for a woman it fase with anxiety or fear a new pregnancy after an abortion. But physically there are no reasons for that. The number of women that suffering from is called repeat abortion (three or more consecutive involuntary interruptions of pregnancy before week 20) is small.

However, there are factors that must be taken into account because they influence the chances of having an abortion, such the, age.

Older a woman is,  more options there are to have an abortion.

Did you know that you can conceived with only one tube?

The function of fallopian tubes in human reproduction is basic: Are conduits for through which the sperm ascend in search of the ovum and through which the embryos descend on their way to the uterus.

It is also in the tubes where the fertilization of the mature ovule takes place. But, sometimes the tubes suffer problems or even the extirpation of one of them occurs. Any alteration affects the reproductive capacity, but although depleted, it is possible to get pregnant with only one tube without too many problems.

The woman ovulates randomly every month from an ovary, therefore having a pathological fallopian tube, with some scarring problem that causes obstruction or simple surgically removed does not imply that woman cannot achieve a normal conception although it may delay the process.

If the pregnancy does not arrive, consult your doctor. Even if both fallopian tubes fail, there is the option of resorting to assisted reproduction to make pregnancy posible.

Did you know that you should take folic acid from the moment you start looking for a pregnancy?

Going to the gynecologist should be the first step when planning a pregnancy, but often it is not. Many women continue today ignoring the importance of preparing correctly for this important stage, for example, starting to take folic acid daily from the moment they start to search for a child. Do not wait to be pregnant to take this vitamin supplement.

Folic acid is a vitamin found naturally in foods, such as, spinach, lentils, asparagus or broccoli, and which is essential for the proper formation of the natural tube of the embryo.

The prominent role is that gynecologists ensure their intake by prescribing vitamin supplements to women who want to become pregnant. The neural tube develops at the beginning of pregnancy, when the woman is usually unaware that she is pregnant, and will later from the brain and spinal cord. An adequate intake of folic acid prevent the spinal cord, such as spina bifida. Studies show that take folic acid daily before and during

Pregnancy drastically reduces the risk of suffering from a neural tube problem.

Did you know that feeding influence sperm?

Feeding of  male directly influences his seminal quality and therefore his fertility.

Thus, like woman, men who have decided to have a child should review their eating habits and correct those that are incorrect to increase their chances of generating offspring.

A diet in fruits and vegetables, which provide antioxidants, such as, vitamin C (Directly linked to the quality of sperm) essential fatty acid ( Such as, Omega 3 found in fish or nuts) or zinc (Lean meat or eggs), will benefit the reproductive capacity of the male.

Did you know that more than half of women achieve pregnancy in the firstyear?

More than half of women become pregnant during the first six months of having an protected sex and, most of them do so sometime in the first year.

In general, experts talk about sterility when a woman fails to get pregnant in 12 months during which she has frequent and, unprotected sex.

In Spain it is estimated that 15% of couples of reproductive age have infertility problems, according to “The Sociosanitary White Book of the Spanish Fertility Society”. But, in these cases, a specialist can help many of these women achieve their goal through some of the current techniques of assisted reproduction.

Did you know that it is advisable to perform gentle exercise during pregnancy?

Gynecologists often advise pregnant women to opt for milder sports activities and temporarily abandon the most intense efforts and activities that may lead to exhaustion. It is accepted that exercise during pregnancy helps control weight or reduce constipation characteristic of this stage.

It also helps the birth and recovery of the mother after giving birth. But any activity doesn’t ok and, in general, doctors advise against sports that involve jumping or that have the risk of falling or hits.

They are recommended, like are walking or swimming. Even more so if the expectant mother already exercised before getting pregnant.

Did you know that the phases of the moon do not influence fertility or childbirth?

There is no scientific evidence that the phases of the moon can condition neither the fertility of a woman or her menstruation or the moment of delivery. Despite this, there is a widespread belief that the full moon increases the number of deliveries in hospital maternity.

Did you know that if you have been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, you are more at risk of developing diabetes in the future?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (SOP) is the most frequent hormonal disorder in women and one of the most frequent causes of sterility. It affects 6% of Spanish women and is usually characterized by producing alterations of the rule, obesity, excesive production of male hormones, with increased facial and body hair, and alterations in the function of insulin, the hormone that regule the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Women diagnosed with SOP or PCOS have between 2 and 7 times more risk of diabetes. You should know that, if you have this ovarian disorder, you can prevent the onset of diabetes by avoiding obesity, playing sports frequently and maintaining a balanced diet low in fat and rich in carbohydrates and proteins.

Did you know that a woman doesn't ovulate an ovary every month?

It is one for the most widespread mistakes in relation to the female menstruate cycle. Women do not ovulate every month from an ovary. You can ovulate two months at the same moment.

And, in some cases there is even an ovulation in both ovaries at the same time, in the same ovary, although it is not frequent.

Did you know that having regular menstruation doesn't mean being fertile?

Regular menstruation and fertility do not always go hand in hand. That a woman has regular menstruations doesn’t necessarily mean that she is fertile. Regular ovulation, which eventually leads to menstruation, can occur even if the ovules that are generated are not of good quality. Irregular menstruation, meanwhile, is closely related to fertility problems.

Did you know that poorly descended testicles of a child can cause infertility in the future?

The testicles are the part of the male reproductive system that is outside the abdomen. They are suspended in a bag called scrotum and their function is to produce sperm.

During pregnancy, the testicles are inside the future baby and descend shortly before or shortly after birth.

Although sometimes, this process doesn’t occur correctly.

This problem is more common in babies born prematurely and can affect one or both testicles.

Infertility is one of the consequences that can accompany this dysfunction. Therefore it is one of the main reasons why it is one of the main reasons why it is recommended to resort to surgery to descend the testicles to the scrotum when the child is still small and if it has not been corrected by itself during its first months of life.

Did you know that you should maximize your oral hygiene during pregnancy?

One of the popular sayings linked to the world of pregnancy refers to the loss of one tooth piece for each child that one has.

And, although it is not true that the future baby does not get calcium from the teeth of his mother, it is that pregnancy increases the risk of the pregnant woman to suffer some dental problems, such as gingivitis or tooth decay.

Although it is a hormonal process, the pregnant woman or who plans to be pregnant can take several precautions to try to prevent this and other problems.

The main are is extreme oral hygiene, especially after meals, as well as, betting on a healthy and, balanced diet.

Keys that also serve to prevent this and, other problems like a cavities, another risk for pregnant women that occurs due to the strong changes that the woman’s body lives during pregnancy.

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